Final Words about Silicon Valley

This is the last chapter of my e-book Silicon Valley for Foreigners, that can be downloaded for free on or purchased for $2.99 on the iBookStore and Kindle. A new chapter will be posted on this blog every week.
This book is an overview of Silicon Valley’s culture and business etiquette throughout the lens of a foreign entrepreneur who made the journey more than a decade ago. I arrived in Silicon Valley with no mentors to guide me and had to learn everything through trial and error.
My experience was frustrating and stressful because no one warned me about the peculiarities of this ecosystem. I hope that, by sharing my observations and lessons learned, they may be applied to your career, company or ecosystem. If my advice somehow helps your journey and shortens your learning curve, I will have reached my goal.
I am sure other people have a different take on what Silicon Valley feels like and their opinions may contradict mine. That is OK. One of the main lessons I have learned here is to listen to different points of view, extract what makes sense, and form my own opinion. You should do the same. Take my advice for what it is worth.
Tech entrepreneurs from this ecosystem will concentrate a vast amount of power in the nearby future and understanding how they think and how they became so powerful is important to avoid misconceptions. The fact is that Silicon Valley is becoming more influential economically, technologically, and politically. Many products that are going to impact everyone’s future are going to be developed here in the coming decades, ranging from autonomous cars, augmented reality, and intelligent personal assistants to genetic engineering, bionic implants, and quantum computers.
I sincerely hope Silicon Valley can collaborate to solve the most pressing problems facing humanity. I believe technology reflects the quintessence of the human ingenuity and its positive force will exponentially improve our lives and well-being in the future.
Thanks for reading and I will see you in my next book.